Consecutive Interpretation
Sometimes speakers stop at the end of every complete thought, and allow interpreters to translate immediately after. This kind of interpretation is known as consecutive interpretation.
It permits the interpreters to think before they provide their translations.
It also permits listeners more time to grasp the message.
This variant may be slower than others, but it is more comfortable to use. The added time is utilized to translate more effectively. Many advanced variants of interpretation use the consecutive format. This is to allow greater flexibility in making translations.
This kind of interpretation is usually used in one-on-one dialogues. It could also be used for small group meetings.
Since delays are expected, the audience may at times ask questions during intervals.
They may also seek clarifications on certain interpretations.
Our interpreter is well acquainted with this role and would be pleased to assist in whatever way he can. We do understand how greatly this can aid the understanding process.
One Tongue’s consecutive interpretation produces translations that are easily understandable. They do not require as much concentration from the audience. Hence, the amount of tension in the atmosphere is also reduced. It also gives the speaker and interpreter time to rest during intervals. This can prolong the duration of the meeting, but allows for greater depth in analysis.